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Asbestos Management Plan
Annual Notice of Availability

January 2025 


To Staff, Parents/Guardians, and Students:


This notice serves to fulfill annual notification requirements in accordance with Section 763.93 of the Asbestos Emergency Response Act (AHERA). AHERA requires that all school buildings be visually inspected by accredited inspectors to identify all asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) that may be present in the school environment. As required under AHERA, Crossroads Christian School must maintain an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) and keep the AMP on file at the school, and the School Administrative Unit Office. The AMP is available for review during school hours, Monday through Friday.


Periodic surveillance of known asbestos in Crossroads Christian School is performed every six months by a designated person to assess the condition of the ACBM. Six-month Assessment Results are maintained and are also available for review in the AMP.


For additional information, please contact our Local Educational Agency Designee, Stephanie Giampa, at (603) 635-1556, or




Dr. Joann Spain, Head of School

Crossroads Christian School


cc: Faculty, Staff, Parents/Guardians, School Website

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